Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 2 Dr. Appointment

So, we had our doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is going well. As of yesterday, I'm 25 weeks and 2 days along and measuring just right. The measurement that seemed incorrect to me was the scale measurement. It said that I had gained 10 pounds!!! My scale said 2. Someone is lying. Luckily, that's the ONLY weight I've gained, but I was advised to leave the Christmas goodies behind which stinks because I still have a TON left over. I guess work is going to be excited when I bring them all in.

The baby's heartbeat wasn't loud enough to find out the heartbeat count, but she thought it was around 126. For those of you trying to guess, it was 168 last time so... Today is going to be a fun filled day of shopping for maternity bras and underwear since the current bras are rolling up and the current underwear are rolling down. FUN FUN. The baby has been moving constantly since last night but to Adam's dismay, he still hasn't felt the movement. I'm not sure if he can't feel it because it can't be felt on the outside yet, or if the baby just isn't moving at that time. I guess time will tell, but I know he's anxious to feel our little one moving.

Adam's brother and sister-in-law keep bringing over things for the baby. The baby room is full of stuff but so not ready for the baby. We've only primed the walls because we wanted to wait to see what we were having, so no nursery pictures will be available for quite a while.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Adam can't feel the baby move because he's a wooly mamuth(sp) and all the hair is creating a type of insulation. Just a thought.
