Thursday, January 22, 2009

A few Videos from home...

Here are a few videos of Aiden, Kadence, and the Baby Shower. ENJOY

Aiden playing his new game. PRECIOUS!!!!

Aiden being a rock star and working his light saber magic to "Sledgehammer." What a stud!!

My sweet niece Kadence and a bit of the baby shower.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Shower Trip to Iowa

This weekend was my family baby shower in Iowa. Adam and I left Erie at about 2 PM on Thursday. We hit some nasty weather, but made it into FM at about 1AM Friday morning. We had a great time and got to see tons of our family. The shower was such a success. My sister, and 2 sister-in-laws did an amazing job along with all the hard work my aunts put in. I'm not itching to go shopping with all the giftcards we got, though I have no clue where I'm going to put all our new stuff because the baby's room is nowhere near complete. We're waiting for him/her to get here. Most of the family seemed to be split 50/50 on the boy/girl guessing. Kathy though is wishing super hard for a girl. Hard enough I think that it actually may happen. As you can see, Adam Benda and Rach did a great job at making the diaper cake. I can't believe Adam helped!!!

Sunday I got to have lunch with my girls. I can't tell you what amazing friends I have. Everyday with them is like I've never missed a day at all. We can always just pick right up where we left off and I love it. Danielle, Ally, and Heidi weren't able to make it, but Torrie and her precious baby Blake came down along with Jen, Rianna, Erin and Kim. Mama Suz was also there. We ate and ate and the food was amazing. Who could have guessed this group would have become so domesticated?
Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of Aiden, (who turned 3 on Saturday) or Kadence. Just videos of them, so I'm going to work on getting those up here. Talk about cute. I could have stolen both of them. I had Aiden convinced that PA was the place to be. Once he heard about our "Mickel Donalds" play place and playing with Carter, our nephew, he was hooked, but grandma said no.
The way home was another day full of adventures. We decided to leave Sunday night on account of the weather, and I'm so glad we did. We hit nasty snow twice. Once we pulled over and took a three hour nap, which was much needed. Oh, and twice, count it twice, we got a flat tire. One actually blew up, and the other was flat when we awoke from our nap. We were sleeping at a gas station, but as our luck would have it, the air pump there was broken. Lucky for us, the next gas station was only a mile away, (you know how there are 60 miles between anything on I-80) so we made it, only to stop in Toledo, OH and get two new tires.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So the moment we have been waiting for is finally here. Adam got to feel the baby move last night. Everytime he would go to feel it, the little stinker would stop kicking but last night the kicks were in full effect. Adam's eyes absolutely lit up. He's been waiting for this since mid-November. I don't know if it makes it seem more official or what, but I'm so glad he got to feel it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lagging Behind

Since Adam and I spent our Christmas alone, we thought we should share a few of our Christmas day pictures with you.

Chloe was not to thrilled to be jammed under the tree for pictures, but she sat there, tempted by a cookie, until we were done.

Here is daddy on Christmas morning opening up the many gifts for the baby that were sent. The baby made out like a bandit as my mom would say, getting blankets, bibs, a picture frame, books and many more goodies.

And here is the newest picture of me. I am officially 26 weeks and 1 day which I think 26 weeks is the exact 5 1/2 month mark. I'm not really sure, I haven't figured that much out yet, you all know my math skills. So, the belly is growing nicely and many of you will get to see it next week. Adam and I are so excited to come home and see all our friends and family. Plus, 2 more babies are expected in the family all within a month and a half of each other, so it will be fun to see all the bellies.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 2 Dr. Appointment

So, we had our doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is going well. As of yesterday, I'm 25 weeks and 2 days along and measuring just right. The measurement that seemed incorrect to me was the scale measurement. It said that I had gained 10 pounds!!! My scale said 2. Someone is lying. Luckily, that's the ONLY weight I've gained, but I was advised to leave the Christmas goodies behind which stinks because I still have a TON left over. I guess work is going to be excited when I bring them all in.

The baby's heartbeat wasn't loud enough to find out the heartbeat count, but she thought it was around 126. For those of you trying to guess, it was 168 last time so... Today is going to be a fun filled day of shopping for maternity bras and underwear since the current bras are rolling up and the current underwear are rolling down. FUN FUN. The baby has been moving constantly since last night but to Adam's dismay, he still hasn't felt the movement. I'm not sure if he can't feel it because it can't be felt on the outside yet, or if the baby just isn't moving at that time. I guess time will tell, but I know he's anxious to feel our little one moving.

Adam's brother and sister-in-law keep bringing over things for the baby. The baby room is full of stuff but so not ready for the baby. We've only primed the walls because we wanted to wait to see what we were having, so no nursery pictures will be available for quite a while.