Monday, March 9, 2009

A little scare

So we did have a bit of a scare today. I didn't feel the baby move all day, so I drank a Mt. Dew (Drs. Orders) and layed down. From there I did feel the baby move a few times, but not as much as they said it was supposed to, so I called the Dr. and they asked me to go into the hospital. From here it was an adventure. My darling husband had just eaten so he had gas. In the elevator, he decided to release himself and finished just in time for us to get off the elevator and for another woman to get on. That poor woman!!!

We got into the room and they hooked me up and for about the first 7 seconds couldn't find a heartbeat. That was about the longest 7 seconds of our lives. They did find the heartbeat and then Dr. Beer stepped in. Adam was asking me questions about the ambiotmic fluid. No, I didn't just spell that wrong, that's what he said. He then coughed and "accidentally" fluffed again. The whole time I'm trying to concentrate on feeling the baby and he has me laughing so hard. Then of course, he had to check the baby's progress. As he's looking at the chart, he realized he was looking at it upside down (which he really didn't know the difference.) The lady next to us was getting ready to have twin boys. They came in to move her to a different room and Adam, for some reason decided to have a peek into her room, which he instantly regretted. He just kept saying, "I shouldn't have looked," over and over.

Once the baby moved a few times, they took me downstairs to get a sonogram. Adam talked to the male nurse the whole time about football. He was a Cowboys fan. Once the sonogram was over, we were put out in the hall to wait for our wheelchair driver. Adam proceeded to pretend to rub my boobs for the camera. He wasn't really rubbing them, but from where the camera was, it would totally look like it, and he wasn't close enough for me to hit him.

Then, the wheelchair driver showed up. She was 90 pounds soaking wet. I'm surprised she was able to push me.

Bottom line is everything is OK. We have 5 weeks to go, but they said I should still be feeling alot more movement than that so they were glad we came in.

1 comment:

  1. It's as if you married a martian, a martian we love of course.
