Yesterday was full of events. We got to go get Chloe a few days early so that my in-laws can bring some furniture up this weekend for us. We should have left her there until Wednesday, and here is why...
I'm laying in bed last night about 10:00 finishing up watching some of America's Next Top Model. I hear Adam ask Chloe if she wants to go outside. This last trip outside means BEDTIME at our house. HA HA was far from bedtime. Adam leaves Chloe outside to do her thing, again....normal and comes into the bedroom to chat with me. As we're chatting, I smell a skunk. Adam runs frantically to the backdoor and looks out, trying to spot Chloe. This usually takes a few minutes as she likes to roam the yard. When he can't find her, he opens the door and she darts in, she was waiting right next to the door where he couldn't see her. At this point, I'm out of bed trying to figure out what's going on....thinking that Chloe is getting eaten by a skunk.
As soon as Chloe comes in, the havoc begins. The whole house begins to smell and I mean SMELL. Chloe was out trying to make a friend, and Flower, as we shall call it, didn't want a friend in the ol' Clo dog. It sprayed her, and sprayed her good. I looked online to see what to do and yes, I called the Dr. The Dr. said it should be no problem me staying in the house. Adam and I ran to the store at about 10:30 to get about $35 in supplies from candles, to Febreeze, to other air freshners. We also got douche to bathe Chloe in, a tip from my mom, which actually works quite well. And, as we were going to the store, and upon opening the garage, we were sure the skunk was in there so my BRAVE husband pulled the car out for me. What I found online was that EVERYTHING in your house has to be washed. Clothes (the ones you wear and those in your closet), sheets, curtains, pillows, bedspeads, towels, (again, those not used in the linen closet still have to be washed) furniture, the car fabric since the smell was so strong in there, and everything else you can imagine. SO, I called my boss last night and I'll be able to be off early today to come home and do laundry, but I have to go in, so I'll be smelling wonderful as you can imagine.
The smell at this point is so far up my nose I can smell nothing else. AND, when it's a more direct contact, it really doesn't have a "skunk" smell. It smells more like garlic and onions. I wanted to take video of us last night, it was comical I'm sure, but I had just taped Adam's football game and hadn't downloaded it yet.
OH, and to top it all off, Chloe has an appointment today to get a bath and a haircut. I'm not sure I want to take her in case she gets home and the house still stinks and she gets all smelly again. I was trying to call everywhere to get her in yesterday. If that had happened I would have been FURIOUS!!!!
Looking back I'm sure this will be a hilarious story, but today, while I'm doing oh, 50-60 loads of laundry, I'm sure I won't think it's so funny.